CHS Homecoming - Sept. 18, 2021

Conant High School's Homecoming will take place on Saturday, September 18.
Game times are as follows:
Field Hockey - 11 a.m. vs. Mascenic
Girls Soccer - 1 p.m. vs. Fall Mountain
Boys Soccer - 3 p.m. vs. Mascenic
Class floats will be on display from 12:15 p.m. to 12:45 p.m.
In order to accommodate the floats, we will be limiting parking at Stadium Field to school administrators, class advisors, coaches, referees, emergency personnel, and buses.
Those who wish to attend a game can park at Medefab at 81 Turnpike Road (as long as you do not park to the left of the building in the fire lane/loading dock area) or in the JRMS/CHS parking lot.