College Admissions/1-4 Grading Panel - Nov. 15

Join CHS administration and several college admissions representatives for a discussion about the 1-4 grading system and college admissions.
The event will be held on Tuesday, November 15th from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the CHS Library classroom. This meeting will also be livestreamed via Zoom.
As we continue to transition to a 1-4 standards-based grading system, we will focus during this event on answering frequently asked questions and field other questions you may have.
Joining us for this discussion will be representatives from:
- Fitchburg State University
- The University of New Hampshire
- Keene State College
- The University of Southern Maine
- Norwich University
Please reach out to the Counseling Center (ext. 227) or your learner's counselor, if you have any questions about the event. The session will be recorded in the event you are unable to make it.
Zoom Information
ID: 865 6944 3771
Password: 550040